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Community Market @ THE LAB

GRAND OPENING Saturday March 26th 2011!

Join us 11am to 6pm for the Community Market’s opening


The Lab will feature a economically and culturally sustainable market place.  We will showcase the products, goods, services and art of local artists, musicians, entrpreneurs, healers, herbalists, inventors and organizers.  The Market will feature a full apothecary carrying the One Rabbit Line ( local herbalist), as well its very own locally grown and harvested herbs available in tinctures, syrups and in bulk loose bags.  The Market will also carry an assortment of spiritual products, fashionable hand selected wears, jewelry , books, magazines, videos, cards, crafts and specially curated art shows by local emergeing artists.  We know you want to shop locally and now you can support Central City business development and the, you guessed it- LOCAL group of artists of color in a meaningful and sustainable way. 

Come back to this page often for our regular showcases of new items at The Community Market.  Not in New Orleans? Not a problem, most pieces can be paid for and shipped right to your door.  Celebrate the vibrancy and uniqueness of New Orleans culture, enjoy it wherever you are!


Come to our beautiful sacred space and talk with local herbalists about your specific needs.

Currently In stock

Our list is constantly growing,if there is something you need, let us order it and create your customized herbal product.

Fresh: Pennyroyal, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Anise, Basil, Mint, Aloe, Lemongrass, Sorrel,

Dried: Chamomile, Lavender, Mint, Valerian, Hawthorne, Nettles, Red Raspberry, Licorice, Burdock Root,     Lemon Balm, Oatstraw, Mate and Ginger, Angelica, Squawvine, Yarrow, Calendula, Arnica, Horsetail, Gota Kola, Elderflowers, Lady’s Mantle